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The Rest of the Sausage

Last week our Supervisors report was pretty long so we didn’t publish the full dialogue surrounding the motion at the end of the Board of Supervisors meeting to get the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Ukiah Valley Area Plan approved. (And in case any readers didn’t get the reference to “uncooked sausage” — i.e., Otto von Bismark’s quip that “laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.”

But some of us like sausage and some of us even like to see laws being made.

So here’s the full exchange, for those who do.

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Supervisor John McCowen: “I move that rezonings other than areas 25, 29, 32, 37 necessary to meet the housing settlement agreements and the rezonings for the Calpella sewage treatment plant and Grace Hudson school go through the normal process at the landowner’s expense.”

Chair Kendall Smith asked the Clerk to read the motion back.

Clerk: “Motion to rezonings other than 25, 29, 32 and 37 necessary to meet housing agreements and Calpella sewage plant and Grace Hudson school the landowners will be financially responsible.”

Smith: “Sounds a little…”

Supervisor John Pinches: “We’ll need to take out the…”

McCowen: “Will be… I think I said will go through the normal process at the landowner’s expense.”

Pinches: “Will need to pay the applicable fees.”

McCowen: “Right.”

Smith: “And I think UVAP ought to be mentioned there. It ought to say UVAP map areas. So that it stands alone and it’s… it’s… intelligent or it’s clear. As a stand alone item. As an action.”

McCowen: “Why get into that now?”

Supervisor Carre Brown: (Laughs.)

Smith: “Cause it’s going to be a separate little document somewhere. Does the clerk have the language?”

Clerk: “Could you repeat the UVAP portion of the discussion?”

Smith: “Just put UVAP as a preface to the map change areas. 25, 29… and just call it the UVAP areas.”

McCowen: “And then it will be necessary to meet the housing settlement agreement?”

Clerk: “Yes, I have that.”

Brown: “I thought that was in a separate motion.”

McCowen: “Well, I’m saying, except for these, and then I’m identifying the six that were in the separate motion.”

Brown: “I see.”

Smith: “So do we want to begin relative to rezoning for map change areas?”

McCowen: “No.”

Smith: “No?”

Brown: “No.”

Smith: “Ok. So I’d like the clerk to read it then.”

The beleaguered Clerk tried again: “Motion to rezonings other than 25, 29, 32 and 37 necessary to meet the housing settlement agreement which includes the sewage plant, Grace Hudson landowner [sic] school will be, will go through the normal process at the landowner’s expense.”

Smith: “It didn’t say Calpella. It should say Calpella.”

Clerk: “Calpella.”

Brown: “Yes.”

Clerk: “Sewage treatment plant.”

Hamburg: “I think instead of which includes, it should be…”

McCowen: “Should we take a two minute recess?”

Smith: “It’s not, it’s not kinda really being clear. Verbage. It’s not clear.”

Pinches: “Well, we already voted on our previous motion.”

McCowen: “No we haven’t voted yet.”

Smith: “We have.”

McCowen: “And it’s the UVAP map change areas. Numbers.”

Smith: “That’s correct. It is. So let’s take a two-minute break and we can have [County Planning Director] Mr. Gonzalez confer with the clerk…”

Supervisor Dan Hamburg: “And get it written correctly.”

McCowen: “At least get it sequential…”


Smith: “We’re going to go to the clerk to read the final motion.”

Clerk: “Motion to direct that the rezonings other than the UVAP map changes 25, 29, 32 and 37 are necessary to meet the housing settlement agreement which includes the Calpella sewage treatment plant site and Grace Hudson school site will go through the normal process at the landowner’s expense.”

Smith: “I believe that’s correct, except the word before necessary should be that. That are, I… You said…”

Clerk: “…the map changes 25, 29, 32 and 37 necessary to meet the housing settlement agreement which includes the Calpella…”

Hamburg: “Are you OK with that, maker of the motion?”

McCowen: “Mm-hmm.”

Hamburg: “Ok?”

McCowen: “Ok.”

Hamburg: “Then I’m ok.”

Smith: “Alright.… Yeah. We had a motion by Supervisor …”

Brown: “McCowen.”

Smith: “by McCowen and seconded by Supervisor Hamburg. So please vote by the button.”

Clerk: “Motion passes with Supervisors Brown and Pinches dissenting.”

Smith: “Ok! That concludes the UVAP discussion.”


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