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Mendocino County Today: October 21, 2013

THERE'S SOMETHING of a pistol-packing tradition among Mendocino County lawyers. Damon Gardner is only the most recent. The assistant Mendo DA got into a midnight fight in Sacramento last weekend during which, as Damon Gardner grappled with another drunk, Gardner winged the guy with a single shot from his concealed gun. Winged. Always enjoy that description of a non-fatal gunshot, as if the shooter's an expert marksman who only intended to get his assailant to back off. Gardner has told the Sacramento police that he fired in self-defense, and the case is still under investigation. It will be interesting to see what the female assistant Mendo DA Gardner was with, if she was sober, or more sober than the combatants, will say. We haven't yet heard from the other side of Gardner's midnight punch 'em up.

FORMER DA Norm Vroman, a dedicated gun guy, is said to have brandished a firearm to convince a census taker that he really didn't care to answer a lot of questions from the federal government, probably because the government had put Vroman away for a couple of years for tax evasion. Norm's argument, if I recall it accurately, was to the effect that nowhere in the Constitution does it say the feds have taxing authority. That argument got Norm a couple of years in the fed's time-out room, the one with the big metal doors. And hours before his death from a heart attack, goes the prevalent rumor, the feds, this time in the form of the DEA, were poised to swoop down on Norm's Hopland ranch where he allegedly grew marijuana. I've never believed that one. Someone else might have been growing on the DA's Hopland place on the palsy walsy basis of lots of Mendo landowners. But it wouldn't have surprised me if they raided him hoping to get something on him because he and Sheriff Craver had ushered in the County's sensibly relaxed pot policies. The DEA was very unhappy about that, and they're zero tolerance. And they clearly view the Mendo-HumCo axis as the most flagrant pro pot area of the country where, in Mendo, the Sheriff himself issued licenses to grow until not long ago. You can just hear them muttering back in DC: “Damn bunch of anarchists out there. Even the cops have climbed aboard the Yellow Submarine.” The latest subpoena from the US Attorney for Mendocino County's now abandoned pot grow permit program is only the latest attention from the federal government aimed directly at us, and why the Supervisors didn't resist it is simply inexplicable.

THEN THERE'S DOUG LOSAK, by day a mild mannered assistant County Counsel, by night, at least one night in July of 2012, a gun and dope guy. Well, kind of. Any night of the week there are undoubtedly a good many armed, stoned lunatics pinballing around the County; Losak wouldn't seem to be a lifestyle maniac. We always thought the Losak matter was much ado about not much at all. Losak was pulled over for speeding in the middle of the night north of Ukiah. His vehicle smelled like devil weed — the devil himself smells of sulpher, I'm told — which prompted the deputy, Orell Massey, to search Losak's vehicle. Massey found a roach and an unloaded gun in a lock box under the seat with the rounds for the gun in the glove box. The gun was registered in Losak's name. But Losak didn't have a concealed carry permit. It all just kind of went away. It was reported what the dispostion was, but Losak didn't go to jail, didn't lose his job. He did however add his name to the County's growing roster of gun guy attorneys.


BASED ON OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS (and various media reports) it is becoming clear that at least a majority of the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors, in response to the latest federal Grand Jury subpoena, voted to give the feds everything they asked for, including the names, addresses, parcel numbers, bank account numbers and other personal information of 30 or more of the 9.31 program participants. The latest press release announcing the handover says: “In April 2013, the County of Mendocino and the US Attorney's Office reached agreement to release all records of the 9.31 program participants in a redacted form that was acceptable to both parties.” Board of Supes Chair Dan Hamburg was quoted at the time (by the Press Democrat) as saying the agreement allowed the County to redact names, addresses, parcel numbers and bank account numbers. The current press release goes on to say that the feds recently requested “a limited number of unredacted records concerning the 9.31 program. The Board of Supervisors directed that the records be provided to the federal Grand Jury as requested by the subpoenas.” So the County previously released all records of the 9.31 program (in a redacted form) back in April, and now they have released “a limited number of unredacted records.”

SUPERVISOR HAMBURG, interviewed on KMUD public radio by former KZYX newsperson Christina Aanestad, explains just what is meant by “a limited number of unredacted records” and why he was willing to hand them over:   “They have significantly reduced the number of applications that they wanna look at. They have gone from something in the 90s to something in the 30s. So, um, ya know, one of the things I wanted to see was a much less broad and much — much more targeted approach, you know, as to what they were seeking. And, uh, and, you know, I think they've done that. They've significantly cut the number of applications that they wanna look at. And the second thing is — I don't wanna spend any more money.” Presumably on outside legal fees. Hamburg also said, “I don't really believe that what the US Attorney is after is marijuana growers.” He then speculated that the feds have their eye on something else but he didn't know just what. (Inside speculation has always run strong that what the feds may be after is proof that local law enforcement, or even Sheriff Allman, are somehow in financial cahoots with local dope growers, whether the growers are in the 9.31 program or not.)

BY THE NUMBERS, the 9.31 program, which allowed participants to grow up to 99 marijuana plants, was quite lucrative. Every marijuana grower paid a $1,500 application fee; plus $500 monthly inspection fees; and $50 per zip-tie for each plant, for a total buy in of around $8,500 for a 99-plant permit. In addition to being inspected by the Sheriff, participants agreed to comply with a long list of conditions, like having a legal water source, and adequate security. In return for the fees and inspections, participants were reasonably assured they would not be raided by local law enforcement. Plenty of growers were bragging that they were able to grow two or more pounds of pot per plant. Even assuming a paltry one pound per plant, and a depressed price of $800 to $1,000 per pound, we are talking real money for the growers. And for Mendocino County, which says it took in something like $830,000 in fees during the two years the program operated. And if the feds wanted to seize the fees collected by the County on the theory they are the proceeds of federally illegal dope ops, the feds could just grab the money without asking for the additional records about the program participants. Which brings us back to the question of what do the feds really want?

SUPERVISOR JOHN MCCOWEN, also interviewed by Aanestad, who helped write the 9.31 program, clearly disagreed with his colleagues: “I was never in favor of giving the federal government anything more than the basic records of the financial transactions associated with the program — date, funds received, the amount of the funds, the purpose — whether it was for an application or zipties. Beyond that, I don't believe the County should have provided any information to the federal Grand Jury.” McCowen said he thought it was ridiculous that the fed Grand Jury is going after the small fish “who were voluntarily participating in the 9.31 program in an effort to be as fully compliant with the law as they could be.” Except, of course, for the federal law, which they were wholly out of compliance with. But they knew that going in.

MCCOWEN SAID HE HOPED THE FEDS would refocus their attention on the outlaw criminal trespass growers that are devastating the environment.” McCowen managed to score at least a double (if not triple) redundancy, since “outlaw,” “criminal,” and “trespass,” are really three ways of saying more or less the same thing. But the point is well taken that the feds should not be messing with 99 plant growers who were trying to follow the law when there are plenty of 99 plant growers (all the way up to 10,000, 20,000 and 30,000 or more plant growers) operating outside of the program, and who are thumbing their collective noses at any attempt at regulation or environmental protection.

BUT HERE IS HAMBURG, a veteran marijuana grower himself, who always opposed the 9.31 program, explaining why turning over the records is really no big deal: But um, you know, I think if they wanna go after people who are growing 99 plants, um— well, for one thing, they've got a big job ahead of them. And for another thing, its very easy for them to, uh, you know— we've had, I don't know how many people, come to the Board of Supervisors chambers, especially when 9.31 was operable, give their name and say: ‘I'm in the 9.31 program.’ So, you know, its not like there's all that much that's really secret at this point. So all those considerations, uh, went into my decision to support, uh, you know, turning over those 30 or so records and, um, stopping the bleeding in terms of legal fees.”

NO BIG DEAL, except maybe for the 30 or so applicants who were just handed over to the feds on a platter. It’s one thing for Joe Schmoe to stand up at a Supes meeting and voluntarily say he is in the program and it’s quite another for the County to hand over his name, address, parcel number and financial records, along with full color glossy photos of his medical weed crop. Of course, those 30 or so applicants don't even know who they are, which means everyone who participated in the program is wondering if they are one of the lucky ones that the feds singled out for additional scrutiny.

AANESTAD ALSO SPOKE WITH JULIA CARRERA, one of the former third-party inspectors for the 9.31 program who now heads up the Small Farmer's Association which includes many of the former 9.31 program participants. Carrera says the growers don't seem to be fearful that the feds now have their info. She notes that everyone signed a statement that said marijuana is federally illegal and they knew there was a risk the feds might get their info. Carrera also said ten of the program participants had been raided this year by federal authorities. (Details! Details! Were they growing the 25 plants per parcel allowed by the County ordinance? Or were they still trying to grow 99 plants? Were these people who had been busted before and who were growing again in the same place they had already been busted at?) Carrera said she thinks the raids are all just a big scare tactic.” When asked who the feds are trying to scare, Carrera said: “The marijuana farmers that they're always doing every year about this time. In my opinion that's what these raids are for. No one ever gets prosecuted.”

THE SO-CALLED WAR ON DRUGS, as applied to marijuana, is really nothing more than a make-work program for camo buddy law enforcement types who like to make extra money every summer flying around, seemingly at random, taking down a few marijuana gardens, while the growers run off into the woods to grow their price supported crop another day. The widespread use of marijuana, despite being federally illegal, also functions as a great social control mechanism that allows cops everywhere to target youth, racial minorities, or anyone else they want to keep tabs on. And throwing people in prison for filling the demand for recreational drugs, guarantees long term job security for prison guards, defense and prosecution attorneys, judges and others who thrive on the misery of the poor and the oppressed funding units.

PARADOXICALLY, HAMBURG WAS QUOTED in last Wednesday's press release as saying “The Board [of Supes] desires to protect the privacy of 9.31 participants.” Hamburg went on to say, “We are glad to see that the current request for documents is much more narrowly drawn than the [original] October 2012 request.” (But what about the privacy of  the “30 or so” participants targeted by the new subpoena? And 30 (out of approximately 100 total applicants) doesn't seem so narrowly drawn.

IF HAMBURG AND THE BOARD really wanted to protect the privacy of the 9.31 participants, they would have stuck to their guns and made the feds come after them to get the information. When the feds first issued the subpoena, the County filed a motion to quash on the grounds the subpoena was “overbroad and burdensome.” Hamburg said at the time, “We would definitely rather not send people's names and parcel numbers and how much money they expended to the feds.” That motion to quash also said the 9.31 program was developed under the 2004 California Medical Marijuana Program Act (SB 420) which specifically prohibited local agencies from releasing confidential medical information at risk of criminal penalty. Back in April, when the County handed over the redacted info, Hamburg was also quoted as saying, “We did not want to give up what we considered to be proprietary information, particularly information that had to do with people's health.” The Board even went so far as to amend the 9.31 ordinance to say that any medical marijuana information provided to the County or generated by the ordinance “was always intended to be treated as confidential medical information under state and federal law.”

WHICH BEGS THE QUESTION, why now, after all the high minded rhetoric about protecting people's personal medical and financial info, did the County do a flip-flop and hand over the complete records of 30 or more 9.31 program participants? Was it fear? Hamburg has long been publicly identified as a marijuana grower. He was sued two years ago by his marijuana growing partner who charged that Hamburg was cheating him out of his share of the proceeds. Hamburg paid him off in return for the lawsuit being dismissed. (But not before his former partner said Dan personally drove a stash of “medicine” down to LA and sold it to a dispensary for $43,000.) And of course Hamburg's daughter, Laura, was busted by the overzealous local cops back in 2008 who said she had a big stash of devil weed and $10,000 in cash hidden under the floorboards of her cabin. (The case was tossed because the cops withheld the Hamburgs’ claim that the pot was medical/legal from the judge signing the search warrant.)

SUPERVISOR PINCHES, who was also quoted as saying he didn't want to spend any more money fighting the feds, has also long been associated with marijuana in one way or another. During Pinches' first term in office, back in the mid-90s, he was one of the first public officials, if not the first, to come out strongly for an end to federal prohibition, which earned him the undying enmity of the federal zero tolerance crowd. Pinches also owns a ranch in the heart of devil weed country (where his family roots go back five generations) and there have long been rumors (unsubstantiated in every case) that Pinches is a grower. (Some of the dimmer bulbs, both liberal and conservative, apparently find it unfathomable that a smart, hard working person like Pinches, armed with strong personal integrity and a drive to succeed, could still make an honest living.) But Pinches' daughter was targeted by local law enforcement. And, just like Laura Hamburg, the case was thrown out for police misconduct. Except the next time the cops busted Pinches' daughter, the charges stuck and she is presumably still on probation.

WHETHER THE SUPES were motivated by fear of being targeted, the need for fiscal prudence, or a belief that not much was really being given up, the County missed an opportunity to expose the feds for their obsessive interest in a program that was shut down two years ago. As far as fiscal prudence goes, Hamburg had no problem suing the County, and demanding over $10,000 in legal fees, over his decision to bury his wife at home without the proper permits. When his colleagues stood up to him, Hamburg backed down and simply filed a petition with the local courts, something that he could have and should have done to begin with. So it seems unlikely that Hamburg was that concerned about legal fees. But, just as we may never know the real reason for the federal subpoena, we also may never know why the Supes suddenly decided to hand over the info that they so staunchly defended earlier this year.

CHRISTINA AANESTAD, who reported on this story for KMUD radio, based in southern Humboldt County, was formerly employed by Philo based K-FEEB radio, where she was fired in an alleged cost cutting move and where she has been repeatedly passed over for the position of news director. Aanestad is a bright and capable young woman, which means she had at least two, if not three strikes against her, going in.  The present management at the Philo command bunker is instantly threatened by anyone who exhibits an air of competence. And in Ms. Aanestad's case, the threat was compounded by independence of spirit. Meaning it was only a matter of time before she would be offed. It seems to be too much to hope that the presently supine KZYX Board of Directors would ever realize that smart, capable people make for interesting programming, the kind that people want to tune their dial to, and maybe even pay for.



by Bruce McEwen

The DA’s ace trial lawyer, Matt Hubley, has resigned. He has removed his services, himself and his handsome family to Sonoma County where he will be working for his former associate here in Mendocino County, and current Sonoma County DA, Jill Ravitch.

Sonoma County pays better, too. Mendo loses lots of people, from social workers to cops, to Sonoma County.

Hubley had been assigned to the prosecution of CalTrans nemesis, Will Parrish. Hubley’s only parting comment was that he would not miss the People v. Parrish.

Introducing Jeff Boyd, the new kid in the County Courthouse. He'll get the Parrish case. Boyd probably should have had the Parrish matter in the first place rather than wasting Hubley's time and talent on misde­meanor demonstrators.

But disproportion and CalTrans have long been syn­onymous. The Bypass is overlarge, overly destructive and comprehensively over-dumb. Hippie-proofing the CalTrans boondoggle has cost an estimated $1+ million in cop overtime alone. The CHP has been pulled off drunks and dope interdiction on Highway 101 to pull people with bird names off tractors and out of trees. As CalTrans shuts down for the winter months, and Bypass demonstrators plot their winter offensive, the CHP will continue to guard the massive construction project, soon to be a six-mile-long mud pit.

So, that's that and on to Josh Rosenfeld, a promising trial man who's made his bones going after heroin and tweak dealers, and there’s certainly merit in that.

A certain Mr. Thomas Simril was pulled over on Highway 101 with a couple of golf ball-sized stashes of heroin. Rosenfeld represented The People vs. Simril. Mr. Simril, as they say, is “known to law enforcement.” He's been busted in Mendocino County for drugs before.

Officer Gabe Aponte had smelled marijuana while making a routine traffic stop for speeding on Simril, and had searched Simril’s vehicle where he found the heroin.

Defense attorney Dan Haehl of the Office of the Pub­lic Defender tried to get his client off on some probable cause quibbles.

Haehl: “You stopped my client for speeding?”

Aponte: “Yes.”

Haehl: “Why did you get Mr. Simril out of the car?”

Aponte: “There was a strong smell of marijuana.”

Haehl: “Did he have any marijuana?”

Aponte: “Yes. About an ounce.”

Haehl: “Did the gentleman have a doctor’s recommen­dation for the marijuana?”

Rosenfeld: “Objection. Relevance.”

Judge Behnke: “Sustained.”

Haehl: “What was your probable cause for searching Mr. Simril’s car?”

Rosenfeld: “Objection. This was not on calendar for a motion to suppress.”

Behnke: “Sustained.”

Rosenfeld: “What made you think the substance you found was heroin?”

Aponte: “The texture and the odor. It has a very foul, distinct odor.”

Rosenfeld presented the court with a lab report from the Department of Justice in Sacramento showing that the substance was indeed heroin and asked for a holding order on count one, transportation of a controlled substance; and count two, possession for sale. Judge Behnke granted the motion for possession, but declined to agree that there was any proof the heroin was for sale.

Teal, Worthington
Teal, Worthington

Next up were co-defendants Josh Teal and Misty Worthington, accused of possessing meth for sale, and possession of firearms by a felon, in Teal’s case.

Rosenfeld called his witness, Special Agent Derek Hendry of the Major Crimes Task Force. Agent Hendry is a tall, fit-looking young man. He said he and his Task Force colleagues had visited an address just off Highway 101 in Willits where there was a yard sale in progress. The Task Force, however, wasn't at the yard sale to buy second hand kid's toys and Reader's Digest condensed books. They hustled on past the yard sale and busted on into a shop and a trailer home where they found the meth and a group of people, mostly women, who, as in the case of Mr. Simril, are “known to law enforcement.”

Jan Cole-Wilson was defending Teal. She didn’t have much of a defense because her client had gallantly claimed that all the confiscated “contraband” belonged solely to him.

The Known To Law Enforcement Ladies were off the hook.

Teal's noble confession visibly pleased co-defendant Misty Worthington and her lawyer, Patricia Littlefield of the Office of the Alternate Public Defender. Ms. Cole-Wilson did manage to get Teal off on one of the charges against him: possession of a stolen backhoe. Whether or not the backhoe had been included in the yard sale was not mentioned during testimony.

Agent Hendry said Willits Police Officer Anderson had told him the backhoe was stolen. Teal said the owner of the machine had died and left it to him. Cole-Wilson argued that Hendry’s testimony was hearsay, and should be thrown out of court. Judge Behnke agreed. For the record, then, the backhoe was Teal's inheritance.

Ms. Littlefield wanted Agent Hendry to draw a diagram of the crime scene and show where everything and everybody was when the cops busted in. There was a fenced-in property with a lot of what Hendry described as “junk and trash everywhere” — the ostensible yard sale — a big warehouse or shop, and a house trailer parked behind it. In the shop, several women were sitting around a table. Teal was discovered sitting on the toilet.

Hendry: “It was a mess, to be honest.”

Littlefield: “Where was Mr. Teal?”

Hendry (pointing to the diagram of the trailer): “He was in here, pulling up his pants.”

Littlefield: “And the people in the shop all had a his­tory as drug users?”

Hendry: “I believed they were all drug users.”

Littlefield: “Had you seen Misty Worthington before?”

(Pardon the interruption, but how come so many tweaker ladies are named Misty or Crystal or Desiree or Bambi or Brandy or Tiffany?)

Hendry: “No.”

Littlefield: “How many officers did you have on the scene?”

Hendry: “Eight to ten.”

Littlefield: “How soon did you have everybody rounded up?”

Hendry: “Within five minutes.”

Littlefield: “Did you personally find the $2500?”

Hendry: “No, I was told about it, and collected it as evidence along with the methamphetamine, the firearms and digital scales.”

Littlefield: “Didn’t Mr. Teal say everything on the property was his?”

Hendry: “He did, yes.”

Littlefield: “Ms. Worthington said you were trying to get her to rat on Mr. Teal. Did you?”

Hendry: “I initiated an interview with Ms. Worthington. She’s dating Mr. Teal, so I assumed she knew about the meth.”

Littlefield: “How long did you interview her?”

Hendry: “About two minutes.”

Littlefield: “Did you ask her to rat on Mr. Teal?”

Hendry: “I asked her if she sold meth and she said no. I asked if Josh sold meth and she lowered her head.”

Littlefield: “So you thought if he was selling meth then she was part of the package. Were you tired that day?”

Hendry: “I’m tired every day.”

Littlefield: “You look tired.”

Hendry: “I am, it’s been a long day.”

Littlefield: “Did you evaluate any of the persons on the property for being under the influence of methamphetamine?”

Hendry: “I don’t believe so.”

Rosenfeld: “Did Ms. Worthington tell you she lived on the property?”

Hendry: “Yes, she said she did and had been in a dat­ing relationship off and on with Mr. Teal.”

("Dating relationship.” Maybe the other ladies present were chaperones.)

Rosenfeld: “How much methamphetamine did you find, and where was it?”

Hendry: “Just over 19 grams, and it was in a back­pack.”

Rosenfeld: “How far was the backpack from Ms. Worthington?”

Hendry: “It was right next to her, within three feet. There was 1.8 grams in the kitchen and 0.4 grams in the bedroom night stand.”

Rosenfeld: “Did you find any packaging material in the trailer?”

Hendry: “Yes, one-inch by one-inch plastic zip bags, and three digital scales.”

Rosenfeld: “And the cash was in the trailer?”

Hendry: “Yes, and in Mr. Teal’s pocket.”

Rosenfeld: “And the firearms — there was a shotgun with a round in the chamber?”

Hendry: “Yes.”

Rosenfeld: “And a loaded .38 revolver?”

Hendry: “Yes.”

Rosenfeld: “A 30-30 and a 10-.22?”

Hendry: “Correct.”

Rosenfeld: “There was a silencer. Do you have any experience with silencers?”

Hendry: “No, I use Agent Peter Hoyle. He’s my silencer.”

(This Hendry kid is developing quite a wit. Describ­ing the legendary Hoyle as a “silencer” is a hoot.)

Littlefield: “There were three or four other women in the room with Ms. Worthington, correct?”

Rosenfeld: “That’s right.”

Littlefield: “And they were all sitting pretty close, weren’t they?”

Hendry: “No.”

Littlefield: “How far were the others from Misty?”

Hendry: “Stay right there where you are, and Misty would be about where I am.”

Littlefield: “So, about 25 feet?”

Hendry: “Correct, and the pack was right by her feet.”

Littlefield: “Did you find Misty’s wallet in the pack?”

Hendry: “It was in her purse, I think.”

Littlefield: “You have no knowledge of the on and off relationship Misty was having with Josh?”

(Tweaker love! Off and on, up and down, in and out so long as the tweak lasts.)

“I have no idea of her personal life,” the deputy said, seeming to shudder at the prospect of knowing any more than he already knew.

Littlefield: “Okay, thank you.”

Behnke: “Any objection if I receive the photographs and diagram into evidence?”

Rosenfeld had some exhibits he wanted entered. One showed Teal to be a felon, and the others proved some of the firearms had been stolen.

Closing arguments began.

Littlefield: “You can have knowledge of what someone else is doing and have no criminal liability yourself.”

Behnke: “I agree with that, however…”

Littlefield: “Agent Hendry attributes the backpack to Ms. Worthington when three other people are in the shop, and we don’t have any evidence that she was involved with him [Teal] — I just don’t think there’s enough evidence to hold her [Worthington].”

Behnke: “She was closest in proximity to the backpack, and it’s kind of a lot of methamphetamine. The fact that the makeup bag had a feminine aspect to it and that is where two of the digital scales were found… But the question is whether I am strongly suspicious, and I am. The fact that Mr. Teal said everything was his seems a little like one of those noble statements one makes to shelter someone else, so I think there’s enough evidence to hold Ms. Worthington on count two, possession of methamphetamine for sale.”

Josh Teal got the same charge, plus a felon in possession of stolen firearms.

The charge of stealing the backhoe was dropped.

Arraignment on the information was set for November 28th. Happy Thanksgiving.


THE HOUSE AS ORGANIC WHOLE: Frank Lloyd Wright Exhibit documents innovative interiors

BoyntonHouseOn Saturday, November 2, at 2 pm, the Grace Hudson Museum will hold an illustrated lecture and reception for its new exhibit, "Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture of the Interior." The event is free with Museum admission. This exhibition of high-quality reproduction drawings and photographs of interiors, furnishings, and household objects will offer a view into architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s creative conception of the space within his houses. In Wright’s house designs, structure and ornament are one. Every feature of the house–from the overall structure, to the interior, down to the smallest details and objects–was conceived by Wright from the beginning as a single idea.

Wright’s approach to visual enrichment as “organic ornament” grew out of his belief that the visual character of a form–whether an entire house or a lampshade–is integral to the structure of the object. Exploring the distinctive visual, sensory, and expressive quality of Wright’s interiors, "Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture of the Interior" reveals how the architect’s distinctive abstract and geometric structures permeate the spaces and objects within.

"Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture of the Interior" is organized by International Arts & Artists, Washington, DC, in cooperation with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale, Arizona. The Grace Hudson Museum is at 431 S. Main St. in Ukiah and is a part of the City of Ukiah's Community Services Department. General admission to the Museum is $4, $10 per family, $3 for students and seniors, and free to members or on the first Friday of the month. For more information please go to or call 467-2836.

Media Contacts:

Grace Hudson Museum: Marvin Schenck, Curator, (707) 467-5751,

International Arts & Artists: Jacquelene D'Amico, Exhibition Manager, (202) 338-0680,


FIRST FRIDAY ART WALK, Ukiah, California

November 1st from 5-8pm

Enjoy one or all of the First Friday venues-- art, music and refreshments

Art Center Ukiah

Our Forests - Fauna, Foliage and Fungi

Community Exhibit celebrating our beautiful Mendocino County autumn.  As participants in the Mushroom, Beer and Wine Festival, we will be offering small plates of mushroom delicacies with a donation of $5.  This is a fundraiser for  Art Center Ukiah.  Music by Steve Winkle.

201 S. State Street Ukiah, 707 462-1400

Corner Gallery

Linda Malone

“Flora & Fauna” Watercolors by Linda Malone

Michael Wilson and Susan Spencer, assemblage

201 S. State Street, Ukiah, 707 462-1400

Black Oak Coffee Roasters

"Mushrooms: The Connection of Earth and Man"

with mushroom expert Eric Schramm 5:30 p.m.– 7:00 p.m.

476 N. State St. Ukiah, CA  462-6333

Grace Hudson Museum And Sun House

Sneak preview of "Frank Lloyd Wright: Architecture of the Interior"

Exhibit opens officially with a lecture and reception the next afternoon.

431 South Main, Ukiah, 707 467-283

Kit Elliott Gallery

“Mendocino in the Frame” - landscapes, skyscapes, seascapes, flora and fauna. New watercolors by Leslie Rich

116 South State, Ukiah, 707 468-1600

Manzanita & Friends

"Get the Word Out" ...... Poetry, mixed media, watercolor, art to wear and much more dedicated to Suicide Prevention.  In support of the upcoming Suicide Prevention Summit at the Ukiah Conference Center, November 6th (get more information at the artwalk or online at

270 N. Pine Street, Ukiah, 707-972-9040

Ukiah Valley Artist Cooperative Gallery

"Memories from Travels in Italy" watercolors by Marie Pera.

518 E. Perkins, (next to Rod’s Shoes), in the Pear Tree Center, 463-0610

Open Thursday-Saturday  11am to 5 pm


  1. October 21, 2013

    Gun nut lawyers? Foxes guarding the henhouse, inmates running the asylum. Militarized police and now this? Good guys and bad guys? It’s way beyond “question authority,” folks.

  2. October 21, 2013

    Hamburg’s quoted concern for “…stopping the bleeding in terms of legal fees…” seems more than a little misplaced. This First Life-saving Step of the Battlefield is invoked by Mr. Hamburg as if there is in fact a life in the balance. Only, the life he’s scrambling to save isn’t a Human one at all, but the ‘life’ of a confused little county’s purse. There doesn’t seem to be a limit on the lengths to which some folks will anthropomorphize some paper artifact (budget; corpiration; etc…). In my limited experience, it’s PEOPLE who have vital interests, NOT contracts OR city hall OR anything about the government.

  3. MENDO MENDO March 11, 2014


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