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Off the Record (Feb 3, 2016)

APOLOGIES to Douglas and Alice Chouteau of Fort Bragg who were likened to fascists in a story by Malcolm Macdonald posted last week. Unfortunately, the same false characterization appears in the print edition of this week's AVA. I regret to say that I didn't read the column until it was up on-line, at which point I struck the offending comments. But I was too late for the print edition to strike them. See the ed reply in Letters if you want more.

TODD WALTON'S new book Buddha in a Teacup: Contemporary Dharma Tales (on sale: February 9th, 2016). This lovely little volume consists of 42 short tales set in contemporary American, each a parable springing for the author's meditations on fundamental aspects of Buddhist dharma as those teachings apply in the world today. Some tales are humorous, some sad, some erotic, some mysterious — all linked and balanced by themes of mindfulness, compassion, generosity, kindness, and love. Todd will also be reading at Gallery Bookshop in Mendocino on 2/20.

KEEPING UP with the Khairzadas. The Laytonville family featured in last week's paper as they appeared in court on charges their Laytonville rug and rock shop also functioned as a non-sanctioned marijuana store, have opened a brand new rug business a block from the County Courthouse in Ukiah. The new enterprise is called, "Gems And Rugs From Around The World."

AT ANOTHER FRONTIER of local free enterprise, this one at Real Goods in Hopland, "Real Goods is sponsoring the launch of Emerald Pharms, the world's first solar-powered medical marijuana dispensary, which will open next month in Hopland, California, the gateway to the Emerald Triangle...."

A SPECIAL ATTABOY with a Good Guy cluster goes to Pete Richardson, formerly of Rainbow Construction, builder of some of Ukiah's foremost public structures, and formerly also of the Mendocino County Jail where he landed after numerous DUI convictions. Always a likeable guy and a talented construction man, Pete lends his spare bedrooms to young guys who have been rendered homeless by drink and or/drugs. Pete's is an in lieu of function since the County has basically nothing for people trying to get themselves going again.

THE FEDERAL SUIT filed last week against the County of Mendocino's perennially troubled Children's Protective Services (aka Family & Children’s Services) boils down to a substantial claim that certain CPS staffers used their authority to remove a male child from the boy's grandmother to place him in the custody of their personal friend at the request of that personal friend. The removal of the boy was not in his best interests, to put it gently. In fact, his interests don't seem to have been considered.

THE CHILD'S MOTHER is a County employee who conspired with social workers to remove the boy from his grandmother’s care. They coerced the grandmother into signing a voluntary placement agreement, and then refused to return him when the grandmother rescinded the voluntary placement and demanded his return. They held the child in custody for 59 days without a court order.

PROOF of the conspiracy to take him from his gran and place him with palsy-walsy was gathered from facebook posts between the mother and social workers, all of them personal friends. The conspirators fabricated abuse charges.

THE LAWYER bringing the suit is the formidable Robert Powell. In January 2008 he won a case declaring that CPS social workers are not entitled to absolute immunity for investigatory conduct — particularly when they fabricate evidence, misrepresent evidence, and withhold exculpatory evidence. Which is exactly what has happened here.

MENTAL HEALTH MATH (very rough approximations, but representative of the $20 million spent by this County for Mental Health each year.

THERE ARE ABOUT 45 County employees getting paid to do some kind of mental health job, mostly administration. Assuming they make about 50k/year on average, adding 50% for personnel overhead costs means $75k/year of cost. Times 45 equals about $3.2 million. That leaves about $16 or so million spent on Redwood Quality Management and Ortner.$16 million at an average of $3.00 per minute = 5.3 million minutes of “service.” Or, divide by 60 and you get 89,000 person-hours of contracted “service” per year. Divide 89,000 by 2000 (person hours per year) and you get the equivalent of about 45 more people providing “service” in RQMS and Ortner. Additional funds over the $20 mil go to pay Ortner’s exorbitant day-rates for outside patient placement in Ortner-owned facilities in Yuba City.

SO THAT'S ROUGHLY $16 million for Ortner and RQMS and staff. Divide the $16 million by 45 and you get an equivalent annual per-person cost of about $355k per contractor employee. Then assume contractor profit, overhead, and personnel costs are half of that (much more than the County personnel costs even with pensions) and you get about $178k per contractor mental health employee gross pay, much more than a County employee would cost.

OF COURSE, all of this is just rough estimates which the reader can adjust and juggle however, as long as it adds up to the $20 mil. But the orders of magnitude show how big a rip-off privatized mental health is no matter how you slice and dice the numbers.

WITH THE OLD Mental Health we delivered a poor level service but for a lot less money. We now have a situation where we get even less service for a lot more money.

AFTER YOU'VE DONE this math, factor in that the Sheriff says his deputies (who cost about $125k per year with benefits, overhead and patrol car) still have to wait hours at local emergency rooms for a high-cost contractor employee to come and clear a 5150!

LISTEN UP, STONERS! The Supervisor's Marijuana Ad Hoc Committee — McCowen and Woodhouse — held an open meeting in Willits to talk about the County’s Marijuana Cultivation Ordinance. Which got us wondering, Do these two Supes smoke dope? I seriously doubt McCowen does. Woodhouse? He looks like a guy who has enjoyed a toke or three. Gjerde does not seem to be a person at all prone to altered states of consciousness. I'd peg Carre Brown as a manhattan, gimlet-maybe martini-style occasional social drinker. Supervisor Hamburg has been loaded on marijuana for so many years you could probably smoke him and get high. Used to be, the Supervisors did all their business at the bar of the Palace Hotel. Those boys, and they were all boys, knocked back straight shots of whisky, but, reading the history of Mendocino County I'd say they were more clearheaded about the public's business than these latter-day tokers and teetotalers. Here at the ava a mild form of dipsomania prevails. Except when it doesn't. We go for the big bottles of Evan Williams in the 1.75 liter bottles which, in American calculations, is almost a half-gallon. Ol' Ev is a good, cheap whiskey. Blindfolded, you'd have a hard time telling it from Jack Daniels, and it sells at CVS for the extremely modest price of $15 a bottle or, at Lucky's for $18. Lasts us a couple of weeks.

IRV SUTLEY passes along an article called Leaving San Francisco for Affordable, Walkable Urbanism. Where would that be, Stockholm? East Jesus, Texas, ain't cheap anymore.

I SUGGEST FORT BRAGG as Irv's ideal destination. Mendocino County's second coolest community, Boonville ranks first in cool factor by any objective standard, but rents and property prices here in the Anderson Valley now rival the Bay Area's. When I got here in the early 70s you could buy all of Boonville for fifty grand cash. Both cash and desire were generally absent.

A COUPLE OF FRIENDS OF MINE — yes, I have friends, why do you ask? — are a good way into their golden years and, uh, is Cialis part of the deal? Say you're a regular old person, urban type, unwilling to risk the 8-hour erection the tv ads warn us about. Say you're also looking for affordable, walkable urbanism. Fort Bragg is affordable, certainly by Frisco standards. It's also walkable because it's flat. Urbanism? I don't know what that means, but if it means lots of urban-like wow-wows — live music, art shows, good restaurants and so on, Fort Bragg has it all, but without the traffic, the crowdedness, the all-round psychic overload of big cities. And Fort Bragg has perfect weather.

BUT, BUT, BUT what about medical care? Not to be too hard hearted about it, but if medical care is your primary concern maybe you should rent a permanent room at SF General. In living fact, Fort Bragg has a fine little hospital and a very good mini-hospital in its clinic. Unless you need a full body transplant, the Fort Bragg medicos can handle all the probs associated with growing decrepitude. And Fort Bragg has miles of accessible ocean, miles of unvisited beaches and oceanside walking paths that are without equal anywhere, from Baja to Astoria. (Except for Astoria, Oregon's beach towns are unappealingly grungy. Even Oregon's ocean manages to seem grungy. Fort Bragg's Pacific? As crisp and fresh and blue as the day Adam and Eve went fishing!

I WAS IN FORT BRAGG just last week to walk the freshly completed stretch of path of the Koch Brother's abandoned mill property. (If you came in late, the Evil Ones own Georgia-Pacific, and G-P owns the 400-plus oceanfront Fort Bragg acres the mill once sat on.) One length of the walking path awaits the removal of residual toxics left over from the mill days. The Kochs are busily cleaning the site up in the hopes of selling it, and probably will sell parcels of it, but most of the land will be empty for years to come because, well, only the Koch Bros have the kind of money to develop it. And the City of Fort Bragg holds several trump cards over what can be done on that land.

THE TRAILS at the north and south ends of the mill site will be joined when the middle parcel is purged of toxics. When it's finished, one will be able to walk from Noyo Harbor to Ten Mile. Well, to Mackerricher State Park, anyway. It's a slog if you continue on all the way to Ten Mile because the mighty Pacific has reclaimed much of the old Haul Road north of Mackerricher.

THE NEWLY opened section of the trail, the Noyo section, skirts one of the oldest graveyards in the county and Fort Bragg's teensy Indian inholding, which abuts Affinito's one-story-too tall motel. The graveyard's memorial markers are so weathered no one knows for sure who's buried there.

ALSO POPPED into the Bernie for President headquarters on Main Street. The Bern people of the Mendocino Coast are definitely feeling it. Bought some Bern gear to distribute in Boonville, which is already largely Bernie territory, and left happy. My only fear is that when (or if, depending on one's skepticism) Hillary jobs the nomination, Fort Bragg's Bernie headquarters will be taken over by the middle of the road extremists who dominate Mendocino County's Democratic Party. I can hear them now on KZYX telling us how important it is to get behind Hil because, much as we liked Bern, he's gone, and what if Trump is president and he gets to make Supreme Court appointments? (Trump seems better on many of the issues than Hillary, actually.) Same message from the Democrats for fifty years now. You have to vote for our corporate shills and warmongers because their corporate shills and warmongers are worse. (Jill Stein, better than Bernie on many of the issues, gets no attention. She's been effectively non-personed. I'm reconciled to voting for her, but I hope it doesn't come to that.)

THAT GENERATOR ripped off the roof of a Fort Bragg restaurant back on January 5th is a 10,000-watt Craftsman, and the guy who ripped it off, Colin Roach, was caught on video doing it. But who'd he sell it to? The Fort Bragg cops would like to know. Roach, not so incidentally, served nine years in state prison for shooting a young man in the back as the young man bicycled to work. The victim was seriously wounded but was able to recover and go on with his life. He was unknown to Roach, who was driving around the Mendocino area with some other drunken yobbos early one morning when he fired at the bicyclist for no reason at all other than, it seems, pure viciousness.

LACEE ROSS, the Willits woman who burned down the popular John's Place bar near downtown, has been sentenced to five years in state prison. Ms. Ross was being evicted from the upstairs apartment and was heard threatening to “burn the place down” if she was given the heave-ho. In November of 2014 she did indeed torch the place after barricading herself inside and threatening to shoot firemen and whoever else showed up to fight the blaze. The deranged woman was tazed into submission but not before the bar and adjoining structures, including a pre-school, were lost to the flames. Ms. Ross had lost custody of her children and had generally run off the rails under the influence of methamphetamine and drink.

SUNDAY was the last day to sign up for ObamaScam. The health insurance corps wrote ObamaCare, the Obama regime saw to it that the policies were mandatory. You buy a policy at whatever price the corporations charge you as the insurance combines steadily raise prices and demand large deductibles on the crummy policy you're forced to buy. If you don't buy in, at tax time you get dinged an average of $700. (Hil thinks it's simply wonderful.) It's astonishing that so many people think ObamaCare is big step forward toward… toward what? Summary execution if you don't sign up?

LITTLE MIKEY, our state senator (McGuire) is, as always, busy running errands for special constituents, in this case Lake County pear farmers. LM got a bill passed that permits teenagers to work in pear packing plants over the summer, which quite a few Lake teens do anyway.

NAME THE ISSUE and the County of Mendocino waddles out to make it worse. Stacy Cryer, head of the County's staggering Health and Human Services bureaucracy, having placed Animal Shelter boss Sage Mountainfire on paid leave, has now notified several Shelter volunteers that they've also been suspended.

SHERIFF ALLMAN is threw a presser Tuesday morning during which he and SoCo law enforcement announced they've identified the remains of two young girls found off Highway 20 in 1979 between Willits and Fort Bragg. The girls had been reported missing from Sonoma County in 1978. The mystery of who they were and how they died, has attracted national attention.

AN OPINION PIECE in a morning's print Chronicle last week begins, "In addition to its breathtaking cinematography and wrenching story line, 'The Revenant' is a masterful film…"

NOT. It's awful. Beyond awful, which is why it will win a lot of Oscars. The scenery is nice, though, if that's what's meant by "cinematography." I wasn't winded at all when I left the theater, marveling at what a sap I'd been to sit through the whole thing.

ABOUT THE OSCARS. The black boycott seems justified to me, not that I saw all that many movies this year. But the two I saw starring black actors, Straight Outta Compton and the Hateful Eight were certainly superior to Revenant. How these actors could be excluded while a guy in a bear suit movie racks up endless awards is hard evidence that black talent continues to be ignored. As does talent generally, but that's another story,.

THE WARRIORS are beautiful to watch, simply beautiful. I'd stopped watching NBA basketball because it became uninteresting, to me at least, as it went over into what we used to call "6th Period Gym," a bunch of freelancers running around firing the ball up with no thought that the game is played by five people. The old Warriors of Rick Barry and Al Attles were in the mold of the current Warriors — brilliant teamwork, passing as exciting as the scoring. But these Warriors have taken the game to a whole new level of excellence. I sit in front of my tv set gasping out astonishment, and impatient for the next game.

WHICH IS WHY the off-court Warrior news is so, so, so… distressing. Of course they should stay in Oakland. Of course their planned new abomination of an arena south of the ballpark in SF is a bad idea every which way except as one more fancy-schmancy venue for the few people who can afford tickets. And the thing will be called the Chase Center, after JP Morgan Chase!

INTERESTING COLUMN by C.W. Nevius in Thursday's Chron: "Bryan Fikes is a fresh-faced, well-spoken 21-year-old from Flint, Mich. For the past month, he's lived in a green tent on Division Street under Highway 101. "I could have a job, be living in an apartment and all that crap," he said cheerfully, "but I'm not ready. Right now I just like getting high."

THAT PRETTY MUCH sums up who's out there, whether in San Francisco or Fort Bragg. And that's the problem with all the programs allegedly helping people like Fikes rejoin society, assuming rational people want to join all the way up. But drug addicts and drop-fall drunks are not rational. They're killing themselves on the streets while making the streets unsafe for everyone else. Their well-paid helpers, as in Frisco and Fort Bragg, simply help the homeless kill themselves. In the case of Fort Bragg, you have a Yuba City-based entrepreneur taking a nice private cut for himself helping the homeless stay homeless. Of course in SF, as in Mendocino County, if you point out this obvious fact you're denounced as heartless and even as a fascist!

BARRY VOGEL interviewed Bernie Sanders in 1991 for his invaluable local audio series, Radio Curious. Vogel writes:

"Here's a Curious note: This afternoon I called KZYX to tell advise them I'd sent a promo for this edition of RC. Mary Aigner answered and passed the call to Angela DeWitt the new Interim Program Manager at KZYX. They were not quite sure if the equal access requirement applies to this particular Radio Curious interview. They both were not quire sure what to do since Senator Sanders is a candidate for President. Mary said KZYX may be required to allow equal time to other candidates for President and Angela repeated that. I suggested they allow equal time and refer the other candidates to Radio Curious for an interview. Angela said she'd call me when they decide about this week's Radio Curious. I am an independent producer and not a KZYX programmer. That or any other station may choose to air or not to air Radio Curious. Regardless, this 25 year old interview with Senator Sanders may be heard here:

ON LINE QUAKE TALK: Some 30 years ago, I was doing research into the local native stories that had been collected and published in the 1800s. One such story explained that what we now know as the San Francisco Bay had been an open plain with three rivers running through it to the mouth we now know as the Golden Gate. According to the story, an earthquake made the ground sink and the ocean rush in (probably much like the New Madrid, with numerous liquefying aftershocks — New Madrid was so powerful, eyewitness accounts say that the Mississippi River reversed course for approximately 10 minutes, flowing upstream). But, as Al Gore said, people are realizing their hole cards aren't good anymore. There really aren't many "guaranteed safe" places anymore.

"FULL RIP 9.0" is a good read. It took some geological detective work to piece together the fact that there was a massive earthquake in the Pacific Northwest that generated a significant Trans-Pacific tidal wave that was well documented by the Japanese.@doomsday Maybe they are actually worried about this (from the New Yorker article): "When the next very big earthquake hits, the northwest edge of the continent, from California to Canada and the continental shelf to the Cascades, will drop by as much as six feet and rebound thirty to a hundred feet to the west. Some of that shift will take place beneath the ocean, displacing a colossal quantity of seawater… In the Pacific Northwest, the area of impact will cover some 140,000 square miles, including Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Eugene, Salem (the capital city of Oregon), Olympia (the capital of Washington), and some seven million people."

AND JUST LAST FRIDAY EVENING, A pair of earthquakes — measured at magnitudes of 4.9 and 5.0 — were recorded off the Northern California coast, officials reported. Both quakes hit around 4:30pm more than 200 miles off the Humboldt County coast, according to the US Geological Survey. The earthquakes struck along the San Andreas Fault, which has been active with several quakes recently.

THE REAL GAME on Super Sunday is quite likely to play out on the streets of San Francisco. Our sources among Bay Area radlibs say an array of different groups, including anarchists, are gearing up to foul traffic like it's never been fouled before.

SANTA CLARA, where Taj Niner has been erected, is forty miles south of SF. The thinking on the disrupters side is to cut off egress from The City, which isn't hard to do considering there are not many southbound egresses. How the cops handle several thousand people intent on screwing things up will be interesting to watch.

FRESHLY RE-ELECTED FRISCO supervisor, Aaron Peskin, apparently the only functioning brain among The City's current crop of leaders, told the SF Weekly, "I have been fielding a high number of complaints that the city did not act as responsibly as it might have with regard to the negotiations with the NFL to host the Super Bowl's 50 promotional events… Who in the administration was the lead negotiator in this deal?"

MAYOR LEE rattled on in reply without replying, but the city is on the hook for around $11 mil overall to "host" the corporate extravaganza for largely non football fans who are paying more than $5,000 a ticket.

DEPARTMENT OF UNINTENTIONAL IRONY: Willits has hired a San Francisco consultant to steer the town's Main Street Corridor Enhancement Plan, a Main Street which would seem wayyyyyyy past enhancing short of an all out bulldozer assault. Hard to believe now but both Ukiah and Willits were once coherent, attractive little towns. Then, beginning about 1950, both towns began to metastasize south into cancer-causing skeins of fast food joints and hot sheet motels catering to the traffic flowing up and down Highway 101. As both towns went aesthetically blind, their respective banks and money people, the people who once cared what their towns looked like, abdicated, leaving their towns in the hands of people with zero civic spirit beyond exploiting their Main Streets for whatever they could squeeze out of them. Used to be outback savages like, say, Charlie Mannon of the Savings Bank, and that old coot who owns the Willits' vaults, would be packed off to Yurp by their families for some fine tuning, but anymore the money people of outback counties just hole up in vault-like structures and count their money. At night, they retreat to gated communities.

I'M AMONG the many Americans who think that public morale is so low in this country because this country has become so ugly. Visual squalor is bad for mental health because America the Beautiful doesn't get beautiful anymore until you're about fifty miles outside the city limits. Our cities and towns, including Frisco, aren't beguiling unless you're looking at them from a hilltop.

SHOULD MENDOCINO COUNTY'S fire departments get a fair share of Prop 172 money? Of course they should, but Mendocino County's lawyer is using County money to argue against our fire districts' attempt to put just that proposition to local voters. The County has garnered about $7 million annually outta safety money, but less than $200,000 of public safety money has reached fire districts. Que pasa?

LIVING PROOF that on the Northcoast you are whatever you say you are and history starts all over again every day is provided by Darryl Cherney: "I have been an Earth First! organizer and troubadour for 30 years, a film producer, a recording artist and entertainer, fundraiser, firewood seller and provider of affordable housing, a practicing pagan who honors Mother Earth as sacred."

MALCOLM, LIVE! Friendly Readers, I will be reading from Outlaw Ford and signing books at Four-Eyed Frog Books in Gualala at 4 pm Saturday, February 6, 2016. Four-Eyed Frog Books is located in the Cypress Village center (39138 Ocean Drive, Gualala). Cypress Village is almost directly across Highway One from the “Bones” restaurant, noted for its barbecue recipes. There should be ample parking within Cypress Village, either just above or below the book store itself. Along with the author's brilliant, yet humble storytelling, there might well be prizes. If you are making a full afternoon of it there are many edible eateries along the way and in Gualala. If traveling from the north don't miss a chance to stop at Franny's Bakery in Point Arena, usually open until four on Saturdays. For those too far away to attend, Outlaw Ford remains on sale at bookstores throughout Mendocino County. Perhaps the easiest place to order copies is at Gallery Bookshop in Mendocino. Simply go to their website: If you are still unnerved by new-fangled contraptions like computers, go to the phone and call 707-937-BOOK. If you want a signed copy, let 'em know, and the Gallery Bookshop people will try to locate me on the open range in order to get you a personalized copy of Outlaw Ford.

If you prefer the feel good sound of buying from a store called Four-Eyed Frog Books, check them out at (That's right, no hyphen!) or call 707-884-1333.

LYRA JUBB, who rightly blames Mendocino County Social Services (along with state adoption staffers) for taking her children away from her, has filed an official claim with the County: Background:

MOTHER SEEKING TO CONNECT with other parents who have been unfairly discriminated against by officials from CPS Mendocino. Please send contact information to

HEADLINE OF THE DAY from Sunday's Ukiah Daily Journal: “School Desk Column: Learning Is The Focus Of Ukiah High School

COAST DISTRICT HOSPITAL will probably attempt a ballot measure to try to get an increase in Coast parcel taxes to pull the hospital out of the red. The hospital's brain trust went public last week with plans to take the historically troubled district to the voters. Won't be ready for the June ballot, but probably ready for the big vote in November.

A CORRECTIONS DEPUTY named Dean Giese says he was terminated without due process and that the County owes him $25k. Local cops who know Giese and the circumstances of his departure say he was in fact given full due process.

A READER WRITES: "You might check out the 'Making A Murderer' piece in the New Yorker of January 25th, page 60, for a clearer picture of the matter."

I READ IT. I read everything. Everything! You hear me? I subscribe to the New Yorker and, as one of millions of people fascinated by the Avery case, I read the piece very carefully, and I agree that the film is hazy on the victim's movements when she visited the property and was allegedly murdered there. But that's the only thing film is hazy on, and her movements in her last hours are not known by anybody except the person or persons who murdered her.

IT IS NOT IN DISPUTE that the local cops framed Steven Avery for a crime he did not commit. And those same cops had every reason to frame him this second time, which I and millions of other people think is what the cops did. Avery was suing them for his first false arrest, the one he did twenty years for, and the people who framed him were personally liable. Avery had them by the short hairs, and they had every incentive to frame him this second time.

THE WISCONSIN COPS who framed Avery the first time were supposedly prohibited from participating in the investigation of Avery for this alleged murder. They had zero business being involved in this second investigation but darned if they didn't pop up with evidence that Avery did it, plain view evidence that the assigned investigative unit allegedly didn't see.

AVERY is a guy who did twenty years for a rape the local cops knew for at least eight of those twenty years he had not committed, hence Avery's suit against them. (Off their testimony in the film, Avery's local police department is a lot more dangerous than any crooks who might be loose in rural Wisconsin.)

SO, HERE'S AVERY again charged with a horrendous crime allegedly committed in his trailer on the family's property. (The property doubles as a junk yard.) The victim, the cops claim, was murdered in Avery's trailer. She was tortured, raped, beaten, shot. They claim. That kind of mayhem, one would assume, would have left at least some traces of blood and gore somewhere in Avery's house, but there wasn't so much as a ghost of a luminal-illuminated drop anywhere.

WHAT THERE WAS, was a shell casing linked to a gun of Avery's in plain view on the floor of Avery's garage which had been magically overlooked by the first police agency who combed the premises for hours. The cops who'd framed Avery the first time were understandably excluded from the first investigation of the property on the new charges, but they popped up on Avery's property just in time just to find the "overlooked" evidence against their hapless adversary. How convenient.

FOR ALL THEIR vaunted scrupulousness, The New Yorker is, well… They do some very good reporting, mostly bad fiction, indifferent poetry, a lot of idealization of the haute bourgeoisie — the mag loves tycoons. The piece on the Avery documentary was positively weird, in that it basically says over and over again that the Avery version of events, as brilliantly documented by the two young women who made the film, is not the whole story. And, again, I agree that the film is hazy on the victim's movements while she was on the Avery property, but that's the only thing the film is hazy about because no one, except her killer or killers, knew her movements. She was at the Avery place on an assignment to photograph used cars for sale. I don't think the film is hazy in any other respect, and it's hazy in that one respect because no one, except the killer knows what happened. I urge readers to get this riveting film and judge for themselves. It's a shocking story, the worst frame job since Sacco and Vanzetti. (Actually, the manufactured case against the two anarchists is a lot stronger than this second case against Avery. If Avery is a killer he fooled me.

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