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Posts published by “Bill Bradd”

I Put My Gathering Boots On

I like it quiet in the cabin, I listen for a rogue wave that might get over the sandbar, I would hear it come under…


You discover the best things when you’re takin a leak in the country. I’m heading out of Fort Bragg, going to the off track betting…

The Way It Was: 1985

The Far hills, Mendocino County — In 1985 I knew a guy who tried to grow the devil-weed in a wildcat location, in the far…

The Time Was Then

White’s Field, 1927 — Somebody must have been over to Willits last night, because the news spread: the circus is coming and they have an…

Busy Socially In A Rural Setting

I grew up where men seldom touched other men, beyond a handshake, and everybody was happy with that arrangement. But, when I came out to…

Da Gardens, NYC 1966

The other day I was working the crossword puzzle and the clue was boxer Griffith and I thought of Emile and my heart froze for…

The Way It Used To Be: 1957

Toronto -- Old Woodbine Race Track. There's never been enough emphasis on horse racing. If it were only so simple, so quick to the quick,…

Prince Of Pompadoodle Takes The Train

I was told it was only going to be a journey of a few leagues. As my league work wasn’t up to snuff I figured it would take a while longer. I loaded myself up with the stuff of the classic poseur. A handbag a duffle bag, new shoes, an over-the-shoulder bag and a shopping bag flaunting that it’s Heavenly.

At the Edge of the Woods

Let's get straight here, what one operator can reasonably expect as a return on his energy. Not much, really, if you're carrying it all in…
