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Posts published by “Briana Burns”

Murder On Peachland Road

This is a sequel to my story about the burning of Lone Tree. Maybe ten or twelve years later, along about 1993, my daughter Wendy…

Lone Tree

How many of you remember Lone Tree? Is the long ridge running south east and north west, north of Boonville still called Lone Tree Ridge?…


I imagine you all know who Freda Fox is. Isn’t she the oldest living person in Anderson Valley now? Freda is not only the oldest…

Protecting Peachland

I was recently chatting with Jan Pallazola and she mentioned the current project of the Save the Redwoods League purchasing a conservation easement on the…

Homesteading in Anderson Valley

The recent story about the Hollisters in Comptche and their history prompts me to want to share some of my experiences from the 1970s on…

Franz Schulte-Bisping Interview

I was born in Germany in 1945 just at the end of the Second World War, the eldest of seven children. We grew up on…
