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Posts published by “Bruce Anderson”

Justice Court Adventures

Not long before the Anderson Valley Justice Court was folded into the County Courthouse, Ukiah, a young man charged with driving on a suspended license…


MSA is short for “moving stuff around.” MSA goes way back in my family. I’ve been MSA-ing for 50 years because my annual income has…

Health Mission At Mission Bay

San Francisco here I come, right back where I started from… Literally true for me. I landed as a two-year-old on the run from Pearl…

The Day They Burned The Apple Trees

“Why it's positively Vesuvian out there!” exclaimed a nicely dressed forty-ish woman waiting at the counter of Café Glad in Boonville for the decaf latte…

Pinches & The Pictographs

There are people who have lived all their lives in Mendocino County who don’t know where Island Mountain is and have never been to Covelo.…

The Night The World Ended

It was the last hours of 1999. Lots of people who should know better had predicted that the world would end at midnight. The computers…

Anderson Valley’s Last Pot Bust

It was October of 1999 when California's Attorney General made national news by announcing that marijuana cops had racked up a record haul of marijuana…

The Mystery of Graveyard Creek

One sunny day more than a few years ago, Don Pardini was working in Evergreen Cemetery when a couple of odd-looking bones caught his eye.…
