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Posts published in November 2020

Mendocino County Today: November 27, 2020

High Pressure | David Norfleet | AVA HQ | Local Jam | Barn Collective | CJ Oregon | Art Sale | Creek | Silly Letter | Meadow | Forthright Rephrase | Hospitality Board | Logging Trestles | Allman Cove | Navarrette Sentencing | Carmel Candy | Outlaw Finley | Fort Braggery | AVCSD Impressive | Yesterday's Catch | Donut Holes | Hard Line | Prisoners | Pandemic Precautions | Kwakiutl Foraging | Salmon Restoration | Moon Pie | Very Descript | Holiday Wishes


Over the decades it wasn't just helping Sam Prather manage his sheep bands that introduced me to other ridgetops around The Valley. Sometimes it was…

Mendocino County Today: Thanksgiving, November 26, 2020

Dry Cold | Covelo Arrests | 17 Cases | Covid Active | Adrian Wallace | Homeless Meals | Feeding Troops | Unwritten Rules | Chopper Chopping | Ukiah Vote | Greenwood 1876 | McCowen Interview | McGourty Residence | Loggers | Ed Notes | Log Train | Signature Cure | Greenwood Parade | Capitol Insiders | Streetscape Update | Yesterday's Catch | Bostrodamus | Franklin Street | Bad College | Moving Day | Orange Jumpsuit | Downtown FB | Culture War | Noyo Wharf | Hollywood Joe | Loading Logs | Top Eleven | Engine Barn | Diego Maradona | Polarisation | Angler | Broader Perspective | Holiday Polka | Poetry Quiz | Pest Control | Hermaphrodite Radio | Startling Stories | Salmon Count | Climate Czar | Normal Imperialism | Wealthland | Attractive Meat | Happy TG

First, The Good Newes

Edward Winslow’s Good Newes from New-England published in 1624 in London begins its account in November of 1621. There is no word of the first…

A History of Theater Fires in New York

A brief survey including Johnny Reb and his dastardly torches.

Dark Light: A Thanksgiving Parable

Winter in California, decades ago. I’d come back from traveling the world for almost two years after graduate school, with the primary aim of reuniting…

Mendocino County Today: November 25, 2020

Cool Dry | 27 Cases | Election Results | McMaster Watercolor | Two Bodies | Noyo Vintage | Brush Fire | Vintage FB | Hiding Daddy | Food Banking | Mill Pier | Ed Notes | Vintage Greenwood | Family Sponsoring | Yesterday's Catch | Settlers Settling | Fishers Fishing | Thanks, Covidiots | KDAC HQ | Greed Parable | Hellsgate Dam | Creepy Dreaming | Labor Party | Joe Iraq | Jobless Inmates | Everybody's Job | Biden Inauguration | Hunters Point

Helter Skelter Winter Shelter

At the November 17 meeting of Mendocino County's Board of Supervisors an ordinance passed effectively approving a temporary group care facility without a Use Permit,…

Windfalls, Waste & Capitulation

Outgoing Supervisor John McCowen has been effectively neutered by CEO Carmel Angelo. She continues to keep the Board, especially McCowen, at arm’s length since Supervisors…
