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Posts published in “Day: May 25, 2021

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Mostly Dry | 16 New Cases | FB Notes | California Burning | Boonville Airstrip | Gen-X Apology | Cola Disinfect | Memorial Day | Dr Zeuss | Late Entry | Redwood Post | Sheriff's Response | True Love | Climate Petition | Domestic Terrorist | Water Conservation | Easy Scooter | Off-Stream Ponds | Police Reports | Yesterday's Catch | Drought Stress | Hot Asphalt | Lee Evans | Ancient Search | Weekly Comments | Thespians 1900 | Gold Fever | Shot Confusion | War Dead | Broken Democracy | Happy Birthday | Folk Sinner | Dylan Woodstock | Fall Out Boy

Reading Together

Remember going to the library? I miss the reading rooms most—the busy hush of reading and research underway; the reluctance of old pages being turned;…

Sleeper Car & Mail Order Brides

Taking the train across country is a singular joy and I strongly recommend a berth in the sleeper car: There's that magic moment when you…
